Project number: 23PCS0003 – 2023-1-BE01-KA220-HED-00015573
Duration of the project: 01.09.2023 – 31.08.2026
Leading partner: Haute Ecole Bruxelles Brabant (Belgium)
Partner organizations: University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica (Croatia), Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal), Tartu Applied Health Sciences University.
Objectives of the project:
Project Learn4Green aim is to create an international, collaborative, and multidisciplinary online course module which is focused on environment, sustainability and health, using blended and remote teaching methods.
Results of the project:
- Deliver multidisciplinary, collaborative online module (5 ETC)
- Enhance innovative learning and teaching methods.
- Developed methodology guidelines and frameworks for the online course.
Activities of the project:
Each year one third of the course will be developed through one week of online activities (lecturers, workshops) and one week of face-to-face activities (lecturers, labs, workshops in international teams).
1st year topic (2023-2024): energy crisis and current environmental situation
2nd year topic (2024-2025): analysis methods in the environmental field
3rd year topic (2025-2026): green smart factories (case studies)
Project manager: Maarika Asi,
Project team at the Tartu Applied Health Sciences University: Inga Ploomipuu, Ave Kutman, Kristi Vahur, Helen Udras