
Study Quality in Terms of Multiculturalism in the Baltic Countries
Project period: 09/2017 – 12/2018.
Due to the internationalization and immigration the profile of a students has been changed. The groups at educational institutions are no longer homogeneous: students have different cultural backgrounds, their mother tongue differs etc. Their expectation to the study process differ. One important aspect of the whole study process is the quality of the study. Within the notion of the study quality there has been agreed in some criteria to follow. However these criteria differ in assessment methods and therefore it is complicated to compare them.
The main purpose of the project is to analyse how internationalization and immigration have influenced the study quality in educational institutions, and to suggest suitable activities to ensure study quality under the circumstances of internationalization. The outcome of the project is a model that helps to describe and assess study quality.
Project is leaded by Estonian Enterpreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EE) and partners are: Higher education Export association (LV), Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (EE), Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre (LT), Lääne-Viru College (EE), P.Stradins Health and Social Care College (LV), Tallinn Health Care College (EE), Tartu Health Care College (EE), Turiba University (LV), Utena College (LT).
Project number: NPHZ-2017/10151 is co-funded by the Nordplus Horizontal programme.
For further information please contact our development specialist:
Kersti Sõgel
tel: +372 737 0210